Friday, March 22, 2019

To Move or Not to Move

   My commute to work is straight garbage. Like most of Metro-Atlanta daily commutes are vile. It takes me up to an hour and half each way. That's three hours a day, fifteen hours a week spent in my car. We bought our house in 2017 when I had a different job and different commute. We've been looking at moving to shorten my commute. However, were I work is very expensive and very much out of our budget. Looking at other locations the farther out we go the commute is the same or not very much better.
    We originally wanted to move early Summer and get out of our house. But we've decided to wait until at least the fall when home prices a little less pricey and we could potentially increase our buying power. I also want to make a dent in our debt as well. This also means we'll be taking a chance to loose equity in our house which we'd be using for a down payment to the new house. That's a risk we're willing to take to feel more financially secure. In the meantime we'll enjoy our Summer in the house. The good news is during the Summer my commute is much less obnoxious.

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